9 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi

Rome: the Empire

Temple of Augustus - Haci Bayram Mosque (Ankara)

ROMAN EMPIRE (27 B.C – end of 2nd century A.D)

44-27 BC: struggle for power (2d triumvirate: Antony, Octavian, Lepidus)

31 BC: victory of Octavian ( battle of Actium)

27: Octavian becomes Augustus→ TRANSITION FROM REPUBLIC TO EMPIRE

Political system
Augustan Reforms:
His power base:

Proconsular power
Tribunician power
→power in Rome and the provinces

His reforms:

in the senate
in the administration
in the army→ professionalization
in legislation and morality
→Fiction of the restauration of the Republic and beginning of the Empire.


The Roman Emperors:
27 B.C-69 A.D. (Julio-Claudian dynasty): Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero
69-96 (the Flavian dynasty): Vespasian, Titus, Domitian
96-180 (Nervan- Antoninan ‘5 Good Emperors’): Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius


Provincial administration:

- imperial provinces and senatorial provinces (eg. Bithynia)

-role of the provincial elites

-economic role of the provinces (food and goods for the capital)

-citizenship extended to all inhabitants of the Empire in 212.

The tomb of Eurysaces

Social changes and mobility
-Aristocracy of land owners

-Trade for equestrians and freedmen

- Rise of the freedmen (eg Trimalchio in Petronius’ novel)

Roman Gods:

-Household worship

-‘Official’ roman gods

-Imperial cult: the divine emperors

-Mystery cults (Isis, Mithra) / Christianity


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